I am a Computer Science Ph.D. student at the University of Copenhagen and the Pioneer Centre for Artificial Intelligence, advised by Michael J. Kastoryano and Serge Belongie, and funded by the Danish Data Science Academy (DDSA). My research focuses on Machine Learning and Computer Vision, with broader interests in efficient machine learning and quantization methods.
LoQT: Low-Rank Adapters for Quantized Pre-Training
NeurIPS 2024. *Equal contribution. (Best Paper Award) at WANT@ICML.
LoQT enables efficient quantized pre-training of LLMs with results close to full-rank non-quantized models. It enables pre-training of a 13B LLM on a 24GB GPU without model parallel, checkpointing, or offloading strategies during training.
Coarse-To-Fine Tensor Trains for Compact Visual Representations
ICML 2024.
Project page Code PaperPuTT (Prolongation Upsampling Tensor Train), a method for learning a coarse-to-fine tensor train representation of visual data, excelling in 2D/3D fitting and novel view synthesis, even with noisy or incomplete data.
Text-Driven Stylization of Video Objects
ECCV Workshop on AI for Creative Video Editing and Understanding, 2022.
(Best Paper Award) (Oral Presentation)
A method for stylizing video objects in an intuitive and semantic manner following a user-specified text prompt.
Progressive Parameter Space Visualization for Task-Driven SAX Configuration
EuroVA, 2020. (Oral Presentation)
  PaperTool that uses progressive visual analytics to guide users in hyperparameter search for SAX and PAA algorithms.
Oral presentation at ICML workshop on Advancing Neural Network Training WANT@ICML.
Text-Driven Stylization of Video Objects, Oral presentation at ECCV Workshop on AI for Creative Video Editing and Understanding, Tel Aviv 2022.
Progressive Parameter Space Visualization for Task-Driven SAX Configuration, Norrköping, Sweden 2020.
Best Paper Award at ICML workshop on Advancing Neural Network Training WANT@ICML.
Best Paper Award, ECCV Workshop on AI for Creative Video Editing and Understanding, Tel Aviv 2022. Twitter post.
Queen Margrethe II's travel grant. September 2022. News article from Aarhus University.
Awarded a prestigious Ph.D. scholarship from the Danish Data Science Academy (DDSA), contributing to the vibrant landscape of data science research.